Angsa Jenius

"Jika tidak sibuk dengan kebaikan, berarti kita tengah sibuk dalam keburukan, atau minimal kesia-siaan."

Cinderella Shoes

Tuesday, June 05, 2012
A good shoes will guide you to good places. --Tengtang Jing, Meteor Garden I

Do you want to have your dream shoes?
Do you want to be a Cinderella in a night with a pair of nice shoes?
Do you love shoes but have your foot-size too small or over-sized?
We will make your dream come true!

Tentukan sendiri desainmu, bebas warna, bahan dan ukuran.
Love it? tell us then it's yours! 

contact us: 289048AE or

2 comments on "Cinderella Shoes"
  1. jualan kah skrang rahma?
    hihiii cmangat kakaaaa

  2. Iyaa udah agak lama ko hihii.. Terima kasiih :")


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