Angsa Jenius

"Jika tidak sibuk dengan kebaikan, berarti kita tengah sibuk dalam keburukan, atau minimal kesia-siaan."

Letter To A Person On Their First Day On Earth

Friday, February 06, 2015
I stuck on a hobby of watching Kid President on Youtube, click here to watch one of the most awesome video of Kid President. And here is his pep talk, I need you to read it slowly, not to be in a rush. 

Today over three hundred and sixty thousand, babies will be born, and you are one of them. Welcome, this is the world. It's a pretty cool place, there are lots to see, smell, and yes, eat. There's just so much to do! Singing, dancing, laughing. Laughing is the best.

Some days gross things will happen. Some days awesome things will happen. Some days you'll get ice cream. Some days you won't. Some days your kite will fly high. Some days they get stuck in the tree. It's just how it is here. There are plenty reasons to dance, you just gotta look for them. Don't worry though, you won't be doing this alone. You're going to meet lots of people here. Some of them will be really nice, and some won't be. It's not that they can't be it's just... maybe they're just having a bad day.

Being a person is hard sometimes. You should give people high fives just for getting out of bed. Oh high fives, I forgot to explain that! How do I explain this, high fives are kind of hitting someone who is your friend. Uh that's really bad, haha just treat everybody like it's their birthday, even if they don't deserve it. Because we all mess up sometimes. The biggest mess up is not forgiving each other's mess ups.

Maybe you'll be a teacher, maybe you'll be president! Maybe you'll cure every disease ever.You might even see the Grand Canyon, swim in the ocean, haha this is so much! It's a lot!

Try this, take a breath... isn't that amazing? It's called breathing! You're going to do it a lot but nobody knows exactly how much, so enjoy it! Pay attention! Take brain pictures! Because amazing things will happen everyday!

You're going to do so much! It's not about what you do but about who you are. And you, you're awesome! You're made that way! You were made from love, to be loved, to spread love! Love is always louder no matter what. Even if hate has a bullhorn, love is louder! So let your life be loud. Let's shout the world "Things can be better! It's okay about all the mess-ups!"

I don't think I told you this yet. We're really glad you're here. We don't say that enough to each other here because life get busy. You're going to be important and you're gonna do a lot! And you're going to smell great but don't get too busy. Remember to let everybody knows, you're glad they're here. You don't have to remember all this right now. For now, remember this, you're awake, you're awesome, live like it!

Everybody has someone younger than them and they should be teaching them awesome stuff. Teacher keeps teaching and students keep student-ing :p well that's not even a word. Grown-ups might be a little scary but it's true! Kids are living to be people by watching you, for real.

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